2721 Delaware Street Huntington Beach California 92648

Call: (714) 536-1740

Coastline Christian School

Philosophy and Goals

We believe God is calling us, through the Holy Spirit, to introduce Christ to those we encounter, to nourish them, our neighbors and ourselves in faith and in knowledge of his uncompromised word using our varied spiritual gifts.

The primary learning center for children is home. Our goal is to assist parents by affirming the value system they instill in their children.

Additionally, we believe that children must learn in a firm but loving environment where they can excel to their God-given potential. We provide a positive approach in building a child’s self-esteem.

We will encourage acceptable social behavior, being kind and learning to work together for the well being of the class.


Coastline Christian Preschool has been serving this community for over 30 years and we want to continue to support you and our community even during these difficult times. For us to do that we are taking the utmost caution to protect ourselves, our students and families of CCS. Here are some mandated changes we have made since our opening date of May 18, 2020.

I confirm that reopening plans address the following consistent with guidance from the California Department of Public health and the local health department.

Stable amp structures/cohorts: (where applicable): Staff and students are in “Daily Cohorts”: 2-10 minimum 2-14 maximum for purple tier or as current recommendations allow.

Students and staff will be kept in stable groups with fixed membership that stay together for all activities (e.g. instruction, lunch, recess) and minimize-avoid co-mingling with other groups who are not part of the cohort.

Entrance:  All students are walked to their classroom, by approved staff, physical distancing is encouraged. Staff is available to help the younger students as required. No parents are allowed into the facility. Parents are strongly encouraged to follow social distancing protocols, wear a mask, and participate in frequent handwashing.

Face Coverings and other protective gear:

All staff and students ages 2 years and up will be required to wear a face mask while at the childcare center, except for eating and sleeping times. The will be mask breaks through-out the day. If you do not have a face covering we will provide one.

The following individuals do not have to wear a face covering:

  • children under the age of 2
  • anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance
  • individuals with a medical condition, mental health condition or developmental disability that prevents them from wearing a face covering

If you cannot wear a face covering due to a medical condition, you should wear a non-restrictive alternative like a face shield with a drape on the bottom edge, as your condition permits. A Physician’s documentation verifying the medical condition will be required and kept in the child’s file.

We strongly encourage everyone to participate in wearing a mask or facial covering. *State mandates may allow citations at the childcare center, for unwillingness or neglect in non-wearing of the facial covering, face shield with a drape on the bottom edge, as your condition permits.

Health Screenings for students and Staff; All staff, students, and parents will have their temperatures taken prior to child’s entry to the facility, parents currently are not permitted to enter.

All Staff and children are encouraged to take their temperatures at home prior to leaving for the childcare center. If you have a temperature please do not come to the center that day. We recommend that temperatures be taken at least twice per day in an 8 hours day.

If you have a fever of 100.1 staff, child, or parent you will not be permitted to attend the program. Please stay home for at least 72 hours fever free without medication, if you have coughing or difficulty breathing seek medical attention, and remain home until your medical provider can see you.

Healthy Hygiene Practices; All persons entering the facility will need to wash their hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. If soap and water is not available there will be alcohol-based sanitizer, at least 62% available.

Use respiratory etiquette; cover your cough with a tissue or cough into your elbow, same for a sneeze. Wash your hands immediately afterward or use an alcohol sanitizing gel. Continue frequent handwashing throughout the day.

We encourage staff and our students to hand wash every 30 minutes for a minimum of 20 seconds per wash. *Before meals, after meals, and after bathroom breaks is mandatory handwashing time.

When students use the restroom we encourage them to flush, handle the handle with a clean toilet tissue. Our staff will sanitize/disinfect the handles, and faucets after each use. Toss all paper towels in the receptacle.

Diapering: get a clean paper liner, clean bag for diapers, and clean gloves for each child. After diapering sanitize the mat with approved disinfectant and wash your hands with soap and water before diapering the next child. We log diaper changes.

Identifying and tracing contacts: If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 the Director of Early Education will communicate with the affected family/and/or staff, she/he will investigate and acquire as much information as possible, then she/he will notify the Local Health Department. 833 426-6411. On the recommendation of the Health Dept. the Director will notify the exposed persons on how to proceed. All final determination is recommended by the Department of Health. Once the Department of Health has made their recommendation the Director of Early Education will prepare the UIR and notify the Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing.

Physical Distancing: Our program will do our best to promote physical distancing where possible. We have marked our facility with red markers 3-6 ft. apart. Some of the rooms are smaller than others. Our play yard is spacious and 6 ft. physical distance can be arranged.

Staff Training: All staff has been trained on the center protocols for staying healthy, what to do if someone becomes ill, has a fever, coughing, or shortness of breath. They have been trained in which room is used for isolation and contacting the parents for immediate pickup?

Testing of Staff: Staff has been notified by the State of California and by local testing sites that may be available to test for COVID-19 in our area. All staff has been notified to reach out to their primary care Doctor first and utilize the Health Department for information on how to obtain a free COVID-l9 test. 833-426-6411.

Testing of Students: Our program will not provide testing for any of our students. Testing will be the parent’s responsibility and their own discretion. If a student has tested positive it will be the parent’s responsibility to notify the center so the Director of Early Education can follow protocol with the Local Department of Health 833-426-6411.

Identifying and Reporting cases: At all times, reporting of confirmed COV1D positive and suspected cases in students, and staff will be consistent with reporting requirements.

Communication plans: The Director of Early Education shall communicate with students, parents, and staff about cases and exposure at the school being consistent with privacy requirements such as FERPA and HIPPA.

COVID-19 Vaccines: COVID-19 vaccines have become available to all teaching staff, there is no mandated or legal requirement to staff to become vaccinated. It is a person’s choice protected by HIPPA.

About Us !

We believe God is calling us, through the Holy Spirit, to introduce Christ to those we encounter, to nourish them, our neighbors and ourselves in faith and in knowledge of his uncompromised word using our varied spiritual gifts.


October 2024

Find Us !

2721 Delaware Street
Huntington Beach
California 92648
(714) 536-1740
